Friday 6 February 2009

Shooting Schedule

After some effort over being able to co-ordinate the right people to be in the right places (lots of thanks to Liv and her parents for their help with that), and we now know when are where we will be shooting.

Saturday 7th of January- Principal Shooting

We'll be shooting from about 11:30, 12:00 til some point in the afternoon depending how long it will take. It will also mean we'll have the whole afternoon to film, which barring any enormous hiccoughs should be plenty of time.

This filming will include all of the scenes in the fen and coming into the village on the bikes, however we might not be able to film the shots of one of the characters going into the house, because this shoot has come sooner than we expected and we've yet to see if it's possible to shoot there, we will see tomorrow.
However if we're not able to shoot this bit tomorrow it not be a huge problem because this part only has me as one of the actors in it so I can shoot it either on Sunday or a later date.



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