Wednesday, 14 January 2009

some ideas for Production company logo's

we've already decided that our production company name will be 'Gag Reel Productions'

at the moment our main idea for a production company logo is a pair of hands put together finger to thumb to make a frame. We'll take a picture from the point of view of the person's hands. Then in this frame will be a scenic picture of some sort.
(picture below)
it'll be a picture taken on a camera in the final thing and will have some form of scenic view in the middle

I also quite like the idea of 'Gag Reel Productions' being 'scribbled' across this, this would fit with the idea of the title.
Also perhaps some form of chuckling noise at the same time-again fitting in with the idea of the a 'gag reel' production.
whether the 'scribbling' idea will be possible to achieve we will see

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