Saturday 24 January 2009

Location scouting/working out shots

I have learnt quite a valuable lesson from our last piece of practical coursework. On that I had a rough idea of what I wanted to happen and our storyboard was rather vague and we didn't really use it. This meant that we got on location (for the first time) we were sort of making it up as we went along, this led to a rather chaotic shoot with lots of last minutes changes. It is possible if we'd done it properly, then the final result might have been better, or at the very least the shoot may have been a little more relaxed.

So with this in mind we intend to know every shot we're going to do before we go out and start shooting this will mean that we'll be able to spend more time getting the shots good rather then spending that time on working out what we're going to do, which would be even more of a problem due to the fact the shooting will be done over a much larger area this time around.

So to enable this I intend to go out (I'll do it as I live the nearest to where we'll probably be shooting), taking with me and mini-storyboard and roughly sketch out each shot actually in the location meaning I can take this and armed with it and the knowledge of the shots we're going to do and in what order can then draw it up into best (using Ashley's considerably artistic abilites) next week for our full storyboard. (This'll then also go into our animatic)

This will also double as a location scout as I have a rough idea of where I want to shoot but not exactly, and I need to see if it will work (*fingers crossed*). I will probably go out and do this tomorrow or on monday (it's too late today because we're already losing the light and there's no point me doing it in the dark). Photos from the location scouting should be up after then, also with a possible shot list, although we might leave that until after we do the animatic.

we will see



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